JWT or Sessions, which one should you choose?
Building a webapp with a user-login flow can be implemented via different mechanisms. These mechanisms can vary greatly, both in features and in architectural structures. This post will outline differences when maintaining user post-authentication activity by using either JWTs (JSON Web Tokens) or sessions. Even though this discussion can be generalised at times to a discussion about "Stateless tokens vs Statefull tokens", it will just focus on the more concrete JWT vs sessions topic.
The nightclub analogy
Instead of discussing about different types of login mechanisms, let's first use a nightclub analogy.
Consider you own and operate a nightclub and there's an upcoming private party. For this party, invited guests are entering, leaving, and re-entering. By which mechanism should the doormen grant access to these invited people? Let's consider two options:
The wrist band
Initial entry: A Guest shows his driver's license. He is initially verified against a guest list, if he is on it, then he gets a wrist band and is allowed entry.
Re-entry: A guest shows only his wrist band. The doormen have a wrist band reader, which allows them to quickly verify whether the wrist band is valid.
The continuous guest list check
Initial entry: A Guest shows his driver's license. He is initially verified against a guest list, if he is on it, then he is allowed entry.
Re-entry: Same process as initial entry- each entry requires the guest to be verified against a guest list. To make this flow more analogous to a webapp login flow, let's imagine that the first entry results in a custom venue ID with a random value. This ID is then used with subsequent visits, thus replacing the driver's license. Note that with both types of entry and ID, verification against a guest list is required.
Let's see how these mechanisms perform in different nightclub setups:
The base case nightclub

This setup has just one nightclub with one single entrance. Both the "wrist band" mechanism and the "continuous guest list check" mechanism perform well.
The multi-entrance nightclub

This setup has one nightclub but with more than one entrance. The "wrist band" mechanism works the same as in the single entrance setup. As long as the doormen at each entrance posses the same wrist band reader for verification, it works well. On the other hand, the "continuous guest list check" mechanism faces a challenge - How can the doormen at difference entrances share a single, probably dynamic, guest list? Some possible solutions:
- Each entrance maintains a separate guest list. Each invite should contain information to guide the guest to which entrance they should enter. Re-entry is also required through the same entrance.
- Place the guest list in a central location. All entrance doormen need to make a quick run to check it for each guest.
The nightclub that's part of a festival

This setup has several nightclubs, all cooperating in a specific time frame to form a festival. The "wrist band" mechanism works the same as in the single entrance setup. As long as the doormen at each nightclub posses the same wrist band reader for verification, it works well. On the other hand, the "continuous guest list check" mechanism arguably cannot work any more. The two solutions proposed for the multi-entrance nightclub will not suffice under this setup: A central location for a guest list is not practical to keep referring to due to distance, and otherwise splitting up the lists will not let festival attendees visit more than a single venue.
We have seen wrist bands can be more flexible to fit in distributed setups, but there are some other tradeoffs to consider when choosing to go with the wrist band mechanism:
Central point of failure
The wrist band machine that creates the bands posses a secret. If this secret is compromised and ends up in malicious hands, some uninvited guests can create a counterfeit valid band and be granted entry.
Banning guests
Consider you are interested in kicking out a misbehaving guest and then banning them from re-entry. If while kicking them out you are able to confiscate away their wrist band, then the problem is solved. However, what if the guest was able to get away with the wrist band still on? To block them from re-entry, it would require doormen to maintain a "deny-list" and for them to refer to it upon each re-entry. While this does work, maintaining and working with a "deny-list" has effectively all the properties of maintaining and working with an allow-list, which is exactly how the "continuous guest list check" mechanism works. If the doormen need to refer to a list, of any type, for each re-entry, the wrist band becomes redundant.
The analogy source
Back to the engineering world, JWT are wrist bands, while sessions are just a guest list that is continuously being referenced.
- If a server with a session mechanism has multiple instances (multi-entrance), we can either put the sessions in a central session store (central guest list), or implement sticky-sessions (re-entry is required through the same entrance).
- A JWT's secret for the signature part is a central point of failure. If it is compromised, all accounts are at risk.
- The JWT mechanism does not cope well with invalidating (banning) tokens. A deny-list is required, and it is advised to keep the expiration time of JWT low.
oAuth & OIDC
How does all of this apply when designing applications which rely on third-party authentication? Both JWTs and sessions can apply at different stages:
First an authentication with a third-party must be completed. This follows the "festival" analogy. For example, Google distributes wrist bands to their users ("sign-in with Google"), while other venues can grab a wrist band reader from google (the JWKS url) to verify users are indeed authenticated google users with a certain email address and other claims. This part is completed through JWT and is standardized through the oAuth and OIDC specs.
Secondly, the target application should choose how to maintain the initial authentication. It could:
- Keep reusing the OIDC jwt token issued by the third-party.
- Vend its own JWT token. This token will use a symmetric signing algorithm compared to the previous third-party asymmetric algorithm.
- Maintain the user authentication through sessions.
Thus, we arrive at the similar options to consider, with or without third-party identity providers.
JWT and sessions each have tradeoffs, which should all be considered when choosing the tool for the job. JWT seem to be a popular choice, but is it always justified? Their straightforward implementation might be appealing when hacking a quick application.
When taking the time to architect a webapp, sessions should be considered. In particular, if you are thinking about using JWT with an hmac algorithm, i.e. a symmetric algorithm, one should ask - can our application use sessions instead?
Often, JWT receive the "scaling" argument to their favor. Are JWT easier to scale? Yes! But will that ever be an issue? The most scale-heavy web applications are using sessions successfully, e.g. think Gmail and the rest of G-suite applications. If a webapp becomes Google-scale, then the team will also have excellent engineers to optimize the performance of a session-based architecture.
Sessions go well with cookies. Cookies, however, can act as a double-edged swords. CSRF exploits should be understood and an app should follow owasp recommendations for a double layer protection. Hopefully an app can make use of a framework that has these protection layers built-in.