Class: Input

vivalid. Input

new Input(el, validatorsNameOptionsTuples, onInputValidationResultopt, isBlurOnly)

creates a new Input object wrapping around a DOM object.
Name Type Attributes Description
el HTMLElement the DOM object to wrap. For radios and checkboxes, pass only 1 element- the class will find it's siblings with the same name attribute.
validatorsNameOptionsTuples Array.<_internal.validatorsNameOptionsTuple> the order matters- the input's state is the first validatorsNameOptionsTuple that evulates to a non-valid (pending or invalid) state.
onInputValidationResult function <optional>
Signature of onInputValidationResult. A function to handle an input state or message change. If not passed, defaultOnInputValidationResult will be used.
isBlurOnly boolean if true, doesn't not trigger validation on 'input' or 'change' events.
new Input(document.getElementById('Name'), [['required',{msg: 'custom required message'}],['max',{max: 10}]])